China showed the first footage from the far side of the Moon (3 photos + 2 videos)

Category: Space, PEGI 0+
3 June 2024

The landing module of the Chinese Chang'e-6 probe successfully landed on the far side of the Moon.

On May 3, China successfully launched the Chang'e-6 probe. He had an important goal - to deliver several kilograms of soil from the far side of the Moon and conduct an experiment on obtaining oxygen from regolith directly on the Earth's satellite.

A month later, the Chinese probe successfully landed on the Moon. The landing took place in the area of ​​one of the largest lunar craters - the South Pole-Aitken Basin.

If the entire expedition goes according to plan, then humanity will receive soil from the far side of the Moon for the first time.

There were some oddities too.

From the telegram channel: Chinese threat

Chang'e 6 found no traces of the Apollo landing on the Moon.

During the live broadcast of the Chang'e 6 mission - the Chinese lunar exploration station - the chief designer of the project mentioned that they did not find any traces of the Apollo landing.

NASA quickly responded, saying it was extremely difficult to find traces of a fifty-year-old landing on the lunar surface, which could be hidden by natural factors such as cosmic impact on the lunar surface and deposition of lunar dust.

And finally, China's central television showed footage from the camera of the landing module of the Chang'e-6 probe.

When landing, the probe used 3D laser scanning to select the most suitable site.

According to information from CNSA, at an altitude of 100 meters above the surface of the Moon, the device stopped moving and began conducting 3D laser scanning. As a result of the scan, the optimal landing point was selected. Then the slow vertical descent began.

Just before landing, the engine was turned off, and the probe, moving in free fall, successfully landed on the surface of the Moon.

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