We walked in and were speechless: the tourists showed what was waiting for them in a hotel room in the middle of the jungle (4 photos)

3 June 2024

The travelers locked themselves in the bathroom and called the administration of the establishment, who sent a man with a baseball bat and a flashlight to help them.

Two British tourists, Gemma Sayer and Lydia Ramsey-Stewart, couldn't believe their eyes when they opened the door to their hotel room in Pai, Thailand, and saw "a cobra and 2,000 butterflies."

18-year-olds Gemma Sayer and Lydia Ramsey-Stewart backpacked through Cambodia and Vietnam during their holidays in May last year, but one day in their hotel room they experienced a real shock, like something out of a “horror movie”.

Recalling the incident, Gemma said: "When we walked into the room, the snake was hanging from the top of the door, its mouth open. It literally fell on my friend's head, and then butterflies appeared and swarmed around us. We thought we were going to die! At first we were petrified and were speechless on the spot, and then started screaming with all their might. It probably woke everyone up. I’ve never been so scared in my life.”

The travelers locked themselves in the bathroom and called the hotel administration, who sent a man with a baseball bat and a flashlight to help them.

Fortunately, no one was injured as a result of the incident. The British women were given another room with improved conditions, so the next day they were able to continue their journey to Bangkok, although they admitted that they could not sleep for a long time after that.

Gemma later posted the photos on her Instagram page, adding the hashtags "hike", "Thailand", "trauma". Subscribers bombarded her with comments.

“I would just die there”;

“And I would be halfway home”;

"What is this Jumanji?

"This is just some kind of nightmare!"

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