How to surprise children with a hologram

31 May 2024

1. We make a prism - a tetrahedral pyramid. We cut out four trapezoids from hard transparent plastic (for example, boxes of CDs or sour cream lids) and connect them into a pyramid using tape. The size of the trapezoids is important

For tablet - base width 12 cm, height 7 cm, top width 2 cm

For a telephone - base width 6 cm, height 4.5 cm, top width 1 cm.

2. Find a video for holograms on YouTube. For example, you can enter hologram pyramid video.

Next, we launch the video on a tablet or phone, place it on the table, and place a prism on top in the middle.

A volumetric light field appears. It seems that an object is inside the prism, but it is not there. The image from a tablet or phone is reflected only on the walls, but due to the prism shape, an optical effect occurs. A light field appears, which gives a three-dimensional picture without 3D glasses.

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