A woman in whose body two people live (7 photos)

Category: Psychology, PEGI 16
30 May 2024

American singer Taylor Mule has been a special girl since childhood. She was always different from the other guys and not only in appearance.

At first, Taylor had a perfect stripe on her body, dividing her body into two colors: regular nude and hot pink. Then it turned out that each part reacts to insect bites in its own way: the “normal” part reacted quite standardly, but on the “pink” half everything was swollen and itchy.

Then Taylor grew a double tooth. And then it turned out that she was allergic to more than 150 foods. Mul even tried to remove her birthmark with a laser, but the pain turned out to be unbearable and she had to abandon the idea. She suffers from daily body pain and has neuropathy, borderline fibromyalgia and endometriosis.

And only in 2009 the girl found out that she had a rare disorder - chimerism. These are two sets of DNA, each containing the genetic code of an individual person. Simply put, there are two people in her body. This can happen during the development of the fetus in the womb, when there were originally supposed to be twins, but one twin swallowed the other. It's creepy...

In biology, chimeras are animals consisting of different cells from several zygotes - these are cells resulting from fertilization. This phenomenon is unique.

Animal and human chimeras can simultaneously have different blood types. But at the same time, the number of each group can be the same. This can also happen in plants, and this factor is well applicable in breeding.

They tried to produce chimeras artificially in animals, but it was more difficult and cells between different species simply do not take root. Scientists, who apparently had nothing better to do, tried to make a chimera of a monkey and a pig by transplanting monkey cells, which led to a violation of all proportions. The pig has only one monkey cell left for every 10 thousand of its own cells.

In cases where the sets of sex chromosomes are different (XX and XY), this can affect the external and internal human genital organs and a person, for example, can be born a hermaphrodite.

Due to chimerism, Taylor Moon finds herself in a situation where her body considers her twin’s DNA to be “foreign” and reacts. This is an autoimmune disease and because of this, the girl suffers from allergies to many foods, additives, jewelry, medications, and some insect bites. But if Taylor finally figured out what was going on, then Lydia Fairchild’s story sounds like real madness.

When Lydia was pregnant with her third child, she and her husband Jamie decided to divorce. In 2002, Lydia applied for alimony and went through the procedure of proving paternity. And Jamie turned out to be the father of the children, but Lydia did not. The test revealed that the children are related only to Lydia’s mother.

The girl was accused of fraud, that she wanted benefits for other people's children, and even pulled off a scam with surrogacy.

Prosecutors immediately demanded the removal of Lydia's two children. Everything led to the fact that when the time came for the birth of the third child, the judge ordered an observer to be sent to the birth.

As soon as the baby was born, blood samples were immediately taken from him and Lydia. After two weeks, the DNA showed exactly the same result as with the two previous children. But the obstetricians, the observer, and Lydia herself saw the birth of the child with their own eyes.

And so, Lydia's defender Alan Tindall began to search through everything available to him to find a similar case. And that's how he found out about Karen Keegan. She was a female chimera from Boston, and Tindell suggested that Lydia Fairchild had just such a case.

The DNA was taken again, but this time not from hair and skin, but from the cervix. Fairchild turned out to be a chimera that contained two different sets of DNA. From the absorbed twin, only the reproductive system remained in Lydia.

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