What school lunches look like in different countries (13 photos)

Category: Food, PEGI 0+
30 May 2024

Feeding students in schools is a controversial issue. After all, everything depends on the school itself. Somewhere a full-fledged dining room is occupied by a small buffet with a couple of rolls. And there are private schools where the food is like in a restaurant. But the issue of school lunches is always interesting, because when watching it, everyone will involuntarily remember their school years.

Lunch at a private Canadian school. I wonder if there is a bell in case you need to call the butler?

Japanese lunch in elementary school. A bowl of vegetable soup for the first course, a cutlet, salad and noodles with soy sauce for the second course, and milk for dessert - an excellent balanced lunch.

Free lunches in Estonian public schools. The first photo shows spaghetti with potatoes, chicken, pork, vegetarian curry, turkey sauce and sweet potato, and the second photo shows carrot salads, vinaigrette, Chinese cabbage and peas.

A French school student shares his school lunch. What is this, sausage on a pile of dry couscous?

This is my school lunch in China

“Before the recent changes at our school, the food wasn’t that bad. I just couldn’t help but take a picture of this monster,” the author of the photo says indignantly.

My Korean School Lunch of Spicy Stewed Chicken, Stewed Ham, Sausage and Various Sides

We ate this Viennese soup at school in Finland. This soup contains boiled sausages, carrots and onions.

The milk I received during lunch in high school in the US. If only they could give me...a fork

Paid school lunch in England. Its cost is $3.50.

Paid school lunch in Thailand. The cost is 25 baht or about $0.75.

Lunch at a public high school in Luxembourg (filet mignon)

School lunch in Taiwan

In the photo, “tea egg” is an Asian dish. When cooking, eggs are boiled in tea leaves.

Free school lunch in Stockholm, Sweden

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