10 photos showing that South Korea has the best school lunches (11 photos)

Category: Food, PEGI 0+
27 February 2023

It seems we have found which schools in the world provide the best food.

If there was a competition in the world for the best food in school, then South Korea would certainly take the gold. In the plates of Korean children is large the amount of vegetables, in the diet there are soups, meat and even seafood. We invite you to see what a typical school lunch looks like in South Korea.

School lunch is an important part of a student's day

A full meal becomes a kind of refueling for students

This tray has beef and radish soup, duck steak, and a few side dishes of rice and vegetables.

Nowadays, most schools are trying to make food more varied.

To do this, include more vegetables and fruits in the diet.

And overly processed foods, fried in large amounts of oil, are removed

This is the kind of food that helps you stay active and focused throughout the day.

Black pudding soup, pork cutlet and assorted side dishes

And schools in South Korea are definitely on the right track.

For example, this is a typical lunch in a South Korean school: beef soup and a few side dishes

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