Fate could not bring it together earlier: the world's oldest couple got married after 100 years (5 photos)

Category: Records, PEGI 0+
30 May 2024

Bernie Littman, 100, and Marjorie Fiterman, 102, got married and now claim the title of the world's oldest married couple.

"We're still waiting for official confirmation, but we think it's a Guinness World Record for the oldest couple to get married," says Bernie's granddaughter Sarah Sicherman.

The previous record belongs to Doreen and George Kirby from England, who were 194 years old when they married in 2015. Bernie and Marjorie beat them by eight years.

Once upon a time, lovers studied at the University of Pennsylvania (USA). Bernie was an aspiring engineer and Marjorie was getting her master's degree. However, fate did not bring them together then.

“They met in 2014 in the hallway of a nursing home because they lived on the same floor. They quickly realized that they liked to spend time together - they visited the theater and museums. Since both are wheelchair-bound, their favorite pastime was playing cards.” , says the granddaughter.

Bernie's first wife died two years ago - the couple had been married for 65 years. Marjorie lost her first husband in 1999.

After ten years of marriage, the centenarians decided to get married.

“Because they wanted to live together, but could not break the tradition,” adds Sicherman.

Rabbi Adam Wolberg, who officiated the ceremony, said, "You are seeing two people whose smiles indicate the love they enjoy in each other's presence."

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