A 100-year-old man revealed his special “alcoholic” secret to longevity (3 photos)

Category: Health, Records, PEGI 0+
27 May 2024

Eugene Russo likes to cook eggplant, fish and lasagna, and also eats a lot of vegetables and fruits. However, his main secret lies elsewhere.

100-year-old World War II veteran Eugene Russo from the United States revealed the secrets of his longevity. Among them, he named giving up sugar and salt, as well as a daily glass of vodka.

A pensioner from New York is sure that a healthy lifestyle helped him live to such a respectable age. He loves to cook eggplant, fish and lasagna, and also eats a lot of vegetables and fruits. Since the age of 70, he has stopped adding sugar and salt to his food, which, he says, allows him to do without a lot of pills. Russo has healthy teeth and no hair loss. For a long time he was engaged in bodybuilding.

Russo has no family of his own, and since 2013 he has lived with his nephew Nat Galassi and his wife Olga in the US state of Georgia. The 85-year-old husband and wife love and respect him, affectionately calling him “Uncle Yu.” The three live in a ranch-style home with four bedrooms and a huge kitchen.

Olga believes that the secret of Russo's longevity lies in his self-confidence and eternal desire to win. She adds that alcohol also affects a man’s good condition: he drinks a glass of vodka a day and likes wine for dinner.

The publication notes that Rousseau went to war when he was 19 years old. As a soldier, he crossed the English Channel and marched under the Eiffel Tower. The man still remembers the battery fire under which seven of his colleagues fell before his eyes and how he was accidentally wounded by an American soldier.

“I was coming out of anesthesia when the doctor put a bullet in my hand as a souvenir,” said the war veteran.

After returning from the hospital, he began working as a construction worker.

Russo often visits the library and enjoys spending time with the children and grandchildren of his nephew and his wife. He is also a devout Catholic.

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