China presented its analogue of Neuralink (2 photos + 1 video)

27 May 2024

While Elon Musk’s American company has received permission to carry out a second operation to implant a chip in the human brain, the Chinese are not asleep and are busy with their own similar developments.

Beijing Xinzhida Neurotechnology has developed a device called Neucyber, which allows you to control machines with your thoughts. Neucyber is a system consisting of three main components - high-performance flexible microelectrodes, two high-speed neural signal acquisition devices, and a generative neural decoding algorithm. It is able to detect subtle changes in the electrical signals of the monkey's brain, decipher the brain's intentions and exercise "mental" control over "actions."

“The neural interface detects subtle changes in the electrical signals of the brain, deciphers the brain’s intentions and implements “mental” control, which makes it possible to control machines without physical contact,” said Luo Minmin, a professor at Tsinghua University.

The public was shown a disabled monkey that can quite successfully control a robotic arm with the power of thought and pick strawberries. The flexible electrode was permanently implanted into the monkey's skull almost a year ago and is still capable of collecting high-quality signals.

It looks a little creepy, but knowing the Chinese, there is no doubt about their success.

While the monkey is confidently mastering the new technology of driving cars, scientists in the Middle Kingdom are working hard to return mobility to people.

At the end of October 2023, Chinese engineers implanted their Neural Electronic Opportunity (NEO) chip into a man who, for the last 14 years, after suffering an injury, could not move his arms and legs. The experiment turned out to be more than successful. With the help of a brain implant, he learned to control the exoskeleton element on his arm so much that he was able to eat food on his own. In December, surgery was performed on another patient, and he is now undergoing recovery.

The principle of operation of the Chinese chip is almost identical to the American one, but with one very significant difference. The Neuralink sensor penetrates the thinnest needles into the nervous tissue of the cerebral cortex. The penetration occurs only 2 mm, but it undoubtedly destroys some of the nerve cells at the installation site. The Chinese version is placed in the epidural space between the brain and skull and does not destroy nerve cells.

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