Jumping across the roofs: villagers can’t sleep properly because of the “crazy” peacock (6 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
22 May 2024

A peacock has escaped from a farm and is haunting a British villager. He goes into people's gardens to "relax" and flies onto the roofs of houses, avoiding capture.

A crazy bird "dances" in the gardens of the residents of the village of Ossett in West Yorkshire (England), preventing residents from sleeping all night with its heart-rending scream.

A peacock escaped from a nearby farm. The animal climbs onto the roofs of houses and hides in people's gardens. Terri Skyes, 40, said the loud bird was keeping her family up at night and some neighbors had gotten less than five hours of sleep in three days because of its noisy calls.

"It keeps us up at night because it's quite loud. Not all the time, but throughout the night the bird makes loud noises, it's like a big echo that goes all the way down the street. Someone contacted me and asked where she is there because I heard him several streets away. There are quite a lot of students living on the street who are now taking exams, GCSES and A-Levels. One day my daughter didn’t go to school because Peacock was sitting on the roof of a neighbor all night. at home. I hardly slept either, so we are all broken. This happens all the time,” the British woman said.

The woman added that the escaped peacock appeared early last week, it comes into people's gardens to "rest" and flies onto the roofs of houses, avoiding capture.

“The peacock mostly rests in the gardens, spreads its feathers and performs a little dance. If disturbed, it climbs onto the roof of the barn, and then manages to climb onto the roofs of houses. He liked one house on the street, and he sits there most often,” Terri said.

The peacock is believed to belong to neighboring farm The Watering Hole On The Farm, which is trying to catch the bird and take it home.

According to the injured woman, there was a thunderstorm and after it the bird broke free. The British woman thinks that the peacock did not have time to clip its wings.

“The bird manages to fly calmly from roof to roof,” she added.

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