The baby was abandoned: the nanny takes care of the child, whose parents fled with her money (4 photos)

Category: Children, PEGI 0+
22 May 2024

To gain the trust of the woman surnamed Yu, her employers showed screenshots of gold, luxury watches and safe deposit boxes.

A Chinese couple left their child with a nanny, saying they were going to receive an inheritance of 400 million yuan ($55 million), and then disappeared, owing her 110,000 yuan ($15,000).

This incident caused heated discussion on Chinese social networks. Many suspect that the couple are not biological parents, but used the five-month-old baby for fraud. The couple hired a nanny and did not pay her. They claimed they were about to receive a large sum of money from their wife's ex-partner, who had died. But instead they disappeared and have been missing for over a month.

The nanny, surnamed Yu, said she was promised a monthly salary of 7,000 yuan ($1,000). However, despite working for several months, she was not paid. Moreover, she even lent the couple 50,000 yuan ($6,900).

"I gave them all my savings, but I have not received a salary since November last year. They also owe me the money I borrowed from my brother. Without any income, I am still taking care of their child," she told local media.

The woman showed evidence of financial transactions with the couple through the WeChat app.

"They said they were in Tianjin. It's quite strange. They came to inherit the wealth left by the boyfriend of the child's mother 10 years ago," Yu said.

To gain the nanny's trust, her employers showed her screenshots that they said showed her inheritance: gold, luxury watches and safe deposit boxes. They also showed her a photo of the property's title deed and told her that it was a hotel that would soon become their property. Based on this “evidence,” she lent them another 8,000 yuan ($1,107).

When she called the hotel after finding the phone number online, the staff denied knowing the names of her employers. A closer look at the photograph of the title deed revealed that some of the text had been changed. Attempts to contact her employers by phone or WeChat were unsuccessful, and Yu was unable to recoup her losses.

The situation with the nanny caused a heated discussion on Chinese social networks, with many people advising the woman to contact the police, suspecting that she could have become a victim of a daring scam.

"Are they even the real parents? Why not take the child with you if you are going to claim an inheritance of 400 million yuan?" — wrote one of the users.

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