Russian commanders use kicks and machine gun fire to motivate their subordinate soldiers to storm Ukrainian positions.

20 May 2024

Drone operators of the 93rd Mechanized Brigade "Kholodny Yar" filmed motivational "speeches" of two Russian commanders addressed to the occupier, who refused to storm Ukrainian positions. As Censor.NET reports, the refusenik is kicked and shot from a machine gun over his head. After this, the occupier calmly puts on his helmet and is the first to go into battle.

This is not the first time that such a practice of motivating Russian infantry has been removed. Drone operators of the Carpathian Sich unit published a video in which the Russian occupier beats two of his subordinates with a stick in a combat position.

In the recording, two invaders calmly take turns approaching the place of execution and receiving their share of blows. One of them received 12 blows with a stick below the back and one with a fist in the face, the other received less - 11 blows.

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