The former Minister of National Economy of Kazakhstan received 24 years in prison for the brutal murder of his wife (5 photos + 5 videos)
Influential relatives tried to clear him away, but it didn’t work.
Kuandyk Bishimbayev, 44, is the former Minister of National Economy of Kazakhstan.
In 2018, he was sentenced to 10 years for bribery. However, a year later he was released on parole. Rumor has it that his influential relatives played a significant role in the official’s release.
After serving his sentence, Bishimbayev began dating Saltanat Nukenova, and they got married in 2022.
Saltanat Nukenova and Kuandyk Bishimbayev
A year later, Bishimbayev beat her to death.
It happened on November 9, 2023 in Astana. The couple came to a restaurant owned by the ex-minister's brother. There they drank, then Bishimbayev attacked his wife with his fists. Then he dragged me into the toilet stall. Later, at the trial, he claimed that he only pushed her there, and she “fell and began to hit the walls, the floor and the toilet.”
Then the former official squeezed the woman’s throat, and when she stopped breathing, he dragged the body to the VIP booth of the restaurant. She lay there for 8 hours. At this time, Bishimbayev sobered up and asked his brother to delete the recordings from the cameras, but they were later restored.
Soon he was detained and sent to a detention center. At meetings, he stated that the woman was to blame - she allegedly threw tantrums and cheated. After the murder, he called a fortune teller and asked what he should do - she replied that his wife was “just tired and needed to rest.”
The court examined another recording - it turned out that Bishimbayev filmed the beating of his wife on his phone. The actual act was not shown, only the conversations of the accused.
Be careful, mat:
Today he was given a final sentence - 24 years in prison.

The court found Kuandyk Valikhanovich Bishimbayev guilty of committing criminal offenses under paragraph 1 of part 2 of article 110, paragraph 5 of part 2 of article 99 of the Criminal Code of Kazakhstan and sentenced him under paragraph 1 of part 2 of article 110 - 7 years in prison. Under paragraph 5 of part 2 of article 99 of the Criminal Code - 20 years in prison.
Based on the totality of crimes, by partial addition of the punishment, Bishimbayev will finally be sentenced to 24 years in prison. Bishimbayev will be assigned to serve his imprisonment in an institution of the maximum security penitentiary system. The period of detention of Bishimbayev in custody from November 9, 2023 until the entry into force of the sentence shall include the term of imprisonment at the rate of 1 day for 1 day.

The case became not only resonant - the whole of Kazakhstan was following it. Therefore, Bishimbayev did not excuse himself; with such public attention, no relatives helped. His brother received 4 years for attempted concealment.
In his last word, Kuandyk Bishimbayev complained about the injustice of the judicial system and did not admit guilt.