106-year-old skydiver set a new record (5 photos + 1 video)

16 May 2024

An American has regained his title as the oldest person in the world to make a tandem skydive. Alfred "Al" Blaschke first set the record in 2020 at age 103 as he congratulated his twin grandchildren on graduating from college.

“It was my dream. I never thought that I would live this long,” he told representatives of the Guinness Book of Records several years ago.

However, in 2022, Swedish resident Ruth Linnea Ingegard Larsson, who was 103 years and 259 days old, won the title from Blaschke, but he vowed to win it back. And in November 2023, a Texas resident fulfilled his promise.

Blaschke was 106 years and 327 days old when he jumped from 2,750 meters with Greg Abbott, the governor of Texas.

Abbott met the pensioner when he set his first record and promised to take part in his next attempt.

“If you think that you can’t, then you simply underestimate yourself,” the centenarian addressed the audience, among whom were his children, grandchildren and representatives of the media. “Everyone is capable of more than he thinks. You just need to make up your mind.”

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