GUR soldiers destroyed the invaders' newest anti-drone radar Burdock worth 100 thousand dollars

1 May 2024
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Units of the Main Intelligence Directorate managed to use a drone to destroy the latest Russian radar system, Burdock. This was reported by Censor.NET with reference to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense.

The operation was carried out on April 26 - fighters of the Gusi-9 group, together with the active operations unit of the Main Intelligence Directorate, discovered and inflicted fire on the communication hardware and the station itself.

The Burdock radar was used to detect small air targets, in particular drones, at a distance of up to 15 kilometers and at an altitude of up to 5 kilometers.

Let us remind you that the other day the Ukrainian military attacked one of the newest radar stations of the Russian invaders, Podlet, which cost more than $5 million. It was used to detect and transmit target coordinates to Russian S-300/S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems. The Gusi-9 GUR group together with servicemen of the 15th Brigade "Chorny Lis" discovered and hit the Russian radar 48Ya6 K-1 "Podlet".

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