How buffalos became the national symbol of Indonesia (4 photos)

Category: Nature, PEGI 0+
30 June 2024

In the modern world, while many countries are switching to the latest technologies, the people of Indonesia use buffaloes everywhere. Without these animals, not a single Balinese can imagine either life or death. With their help, locals produce food, earn money, and also conduct funeral ceremonies.

The role of buffaloes in the economy

The locals have a reverent attitude towards nature. Today this would be considered an eco-friendly way of life, but the Indonesians had this method tested by their ancestors. It is customary in the country to plow the land with the help of buffaloes, following a special technique. The buffalo is allowed forward, and its owner sits on the plow and moves his legs - this way he controls not only the direction of movement of the plow, but also the depth of plowing.

Some people use a tractor, but this costs money and is not so common among locals. The buffalo additionally breaks large stones that fall under the hooves. This makes the soil looser and more porous, allowing water to drain better and a richer crop to grow.

The Balinese are sensitive to the plowing process, which is quite unusual here. And it’s not just about the buffalos, but also about the unique irrigation system called subak. Thanks to the many dams and canals that are connected into a single network, water from mountain springs can be evenly distributed between lands. The result is favorable conditions for growing rice and other crops.

Buffalo for the price of a car

Buffaloes are the main participants in the agricultural process in Bali. However, that is not why they are valued. The thing is that the locals have a tradition of sacrificing buffaloes during funerals. The more animals are used in the ceremony, the easier it will be for the deceased to transition to another world and the higher status he will receive.

However, buffaloes are very expensive in the country. Everyone in Indonesia knows the Bolu market - it is the main place for trading these animals. It is here that you can buy beautiful and healthy buffaloes, although prices for them rarely fall below one and a half thousand dollars. If an animal has some unique feature, then prices skyrocket. Not everyone can buy a buffalo - in a country where almost a third of the population lives on $3 a day, the numbers seem exorbitant.

Locals say that funerals are more expensive than weddings. The whole family collects money to buy buffaloes for the ritual during the funeral. It happens that after the death of a person, it may take several years until the family is able to buy animals. At this time, the body is embalmed, and the deceased is considered “sick.” According to local traditions, until the ceremony is performed, the soul is in the body, therefore at this time they communicate with a family member and consult on important issues.

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