12 historical photos that capture something that will never be seen again in life (13 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
24 June 2024

Old archival photographs show us what people were like several decades ago, how they lived, what they did, what architecture, cities and much more looked like.

Ancient house in Hamburg built in 1524

It can now only be seen in this photograph taken in the late 1890s. Despite protests from local residents, the unique building was demolished in 1910.

This is what one of the commercial aircraft of the English airline Imperial Airways looked like from the inside

The photo was taken in the mid-1930s.

Bridge connecting tunnels built inside the Marmolada glacier, 1917

This is what Japanese officers looked like in the 1860s

The famous Eiffel Tower in 1888

In total, the construction of the world-famous and popular attraction today took two years. In the original version, the tower was painted red.

This is how winter and spring coats were sold in a Copenhagen store in 1936, when it was overflowing with things

I wonder how customers got the right coat to try on?

Huge snow walls on Madison Avenue, New York

In 1888, an incredible amount of snow fell in several states over three days in March. That blizzard went down in history as the Great Blizzard.

A miner smiling at a photographer after finishing a working day

The photo was taken in 1942 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

A foggy night fell on the American city of New Bedford in Massachusetts, 1941

This is what one of the beaches in the town of Daytona Beach in Florida looked like at the beginning of the last century, 1904

As you can see, then many girls and women came to the beach not in bikinis, but in dresses, and men in formal suits. Some simply breathed the ocean air, others admired the beautiful views, and only a few vacationers went into the water.

By the way, in the background you can still see several people in swimsuits.

Passengers rush to board a train traveling along the cog railway to the top of Mount Washington

Women photographed in the slums of Amsterdam, 1899

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