15 interesting historical photos that will help you learn more about the past (16 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
7 June 2024

Luxury trains of the past, a staircase created by da Vinci, and the Titanic leaving the port: vintage photos that need to be seen.

We almost cannot understand how quickly time flies. It seems that just after we graduated from school, we are now standing on the ceremonial line again, as we are sending our child to first grade. Fortunately, we have photography, and sometimes one frame can tell the whole story of the life behind it. For example, such photographs are created by Jan Langer: he photographs people who have lived more than a hundred years, based on a photograph taken 80 years ago.

In the carriage of the Orient Express: this is a train that launched between Paris and Constantinople in 1883.

Prague Astronomical Clock, established in 1410: this is the oldest astronomical clock

Twin Towers in New York City during construction, 1970

The last photograph of Nikola Tesla, taken in 1943

This staircase was designed by Leonardo da Vinci in 1516

Titanic leaving port

Colored pencil shop in Tehran, Iran

Pablo Picasso in his studio

Dutch men in traditional trousers, early 20th century

Girls playing tea party, photo from the early 20th century

A beggar asks for alms from the British King George V

Eiffel Tower during construction in the late 1880s

Hans Langseth, the man with the longest beard in history, 1867

Manhattan from above in 1931

Photo taken during the unpacking of the head of the Statue of Liberty, 1885.

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