17 photos of the oldest spa resort in the world, where, according to legend, Hercules swam (18 photos)

4 June 2024

Hercules stopped here to rest, and the aristocrats of Ancient Rome loved the local baths.

The Romans knew a lot about relaxation; throughout Europe you can still find the ruins of ancient Roman baths, which were a magnet for the aristocracy. On the site of one such bathhouse, a spa resort appeared, which is now in a decadent state. It was visited by Roman Robroek, who is fond of stalking: he studies abandoned places, photographs them and writes about his travels.

Now he went to one of the oldest resorts, where, according to legend, Hercules himself stayed to rest and wash. It is located in the Romanian town of Baile Herculane, and it is one of the oldest spa resorts in Europe. There are 16 hot springs with sulfur, which have been treating various ailments for many centuries. And of course, healing mountain air: the baths are located in the mountains, which protect the resort from the winds.

Baile Herculane, or Herculanean Baths, has been known as a spa resort since 153

There is a legend that Hercules himself bathed in local springs during his campaigns

This is probably just a myth, but one thing is certain: Roman legionnaires loved to relax here

They called these places the waters of Hercules

Soon the Aquae Herculai baths appeared here, which attracted the attention of the Roman aristocracy.

They were known throughout the Roman Empire

And of course, they rebuilt them with all the luxury for which the Romans are so famous

With the decline of Rome, the baths were abandoned until the 18th century, when a resort appeared here

Several new buildings were rebuilt on the territory, and during construction, statues of Hercules were found

Baile-Erkulane fell in love with the Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph: he was a frequent guest here

They even had their own house in the town

In communist Romania, multi-storey hotels were built at the resort

Employees were given vouchers to the resort; over time, the old houses fell into disrepair

And by the end of the twentieth century, the entire resort faced such a fate

Today the historical buildings have not been restored

However, the smallest part of the resort is still functioning

Perhaps someday Baile Herculane will again become a famous spa center

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