Russian general, State Duma deputy Gurulev said that the Russian Federation will attack Kazakhstan

9 April 2024

The scandalous State Duma deputy, Russian general Andrei Gurulev said that the next victim of the Russian Federation after Ukraine will be Kazakhstan.

As Censor.NET reports with reference to NV, the corresponding audio recording, which he sent to his colleagues from the parliamentary defense committee, was published on social networks.

According to Gurulev, the reason for the preparation of Russian military aggression against the Kazakhs is that they are “out”, and the corresponding decision has allegedly already been made.

“The Kazakhs, having seen enough of Ukraine, are very bullshit that they are next. They are just bullshit, damn it. But they will be next. They are now getting their way. In principle, I think there is already a solution,” said the war criminal.

After the scandal erupted, he hastened to call all this an “enemy TsIPSO” created with the help of “neural networks.”

At the same time, given his hints about Kazakhstan’s involvement in the UAV attack on the suicide bomb factory in Yelabuga, such denials look inconsistent and unconvincing.

Let us note that Gurulev is known for his alcohol abuse, after which he regularly stages various provocations live on Russian propaganda channels, so such statements are quite in his spirit.

1 comment
12 April 2024
3 375 comments
После одного "флакона" сразу и карлик-медведев и жирик... очередной клоун.
Харя какая опухшая! И парашкины ему верят...
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