In Korea, news anchors are being replaced with AI to save money (4 photos + 1 video)

26 March 2024

In South Korea, the statistical minimum wage is $1,500 per month. A paid AI human generator costs the television company $600 per month. And this takes into account that news presenters are still a prestigious job here, so they don’t get paid the minimum!

So heads have already rolled, the presenter on a local Jeju channel has been successfully replaced by a generated model of a young girl. She doesn’t get tired, doesn’t get sick, doesn’t take vacations and works for 600 thousand won a month. It seems that mass layoffs of presenters will soon follow in South Korea - capitalism does not tolerate unnecessary expenses.

Good experience Jeju and sweet Gina

The always young and fit presenter will not go on maternity leave

The fake girl who replaced the real person on the news channel is named Gina. And she is a little torn, but overall she tells any news quite well and in perfect Korean - funerals, holidays, traffic problems.


The South Korean television company was the first to actually hire such a presenter to replace a real person. And judging by the positive reaction of users, hundreds of local announcers will soon lose their jobs.

The fake announcer Gina looks very young, fresh, a typical Korean modest beauty. And it won’t even grow old from year to year! Considering what Koreans are lookers, the company's management is simply delighted. You can hire the most beautiful girls for yourself at the same rate of 400 dollars.

Well, actresses and TV presenters who have invested in plastic surgery, has it helped you? It's actually sad, they tried to enter the race and still lost.

Can you do the same for the weather forecast, but in a swimsuit? How much do the new skins cost, three dollars?

What's next for television?

Cyberpunk looks a little creepy in the context of the gloomy future, where there are few real people on the screen, and all the actors - also generated ones - play according to an AI-generated script.

If we had such news, I wouldn’t watch it. If only a humorous program or analytics would allow the AI to simply read out the author’s content, if the author himself is simply shy about his voice or face.

And this is a Chinese news anchor who works 24 hours a day, and no one pays him overtime! I hope at least the editors do...

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26 March 2024
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