Scientists have solved the mysterious signal from space (4 photos)

Category: Space, PEGI 0+
19 March 2024

Space news for you on Saturday morning.

It took a group of scientists 10 long years to solve a very mysterious mystery. In January 2014, a seismic station on Manus Island in Papua New Guinea recorded strong ground motions in the western Pacific Ocean. Around the same time, a meteorite entered the Earth's atmosphere over the Western Pacific Ocean.

Scientists compared ground vibrations and the appearance of a meteorite and came to the conclusion that they were able to record a mysterious seismic signal from a cosmic body. Then in scientific circles they even said that this was almost a sign of alien life.

In 2023, a team of researchers led by Benjamin Fernando, a planetary seismologist at Johns Hopkins University, went to the site of the supposed meteorite impact and discovered all sorts of strange things on the seabed. The finds are identified as having "extraterrestrial technological" (alien) origin.

But after more careful analysis and using data from stations in Australia and Palau designed to detect sound waves from nuclear tests, the team identified a more likely location for that meteorite. And it was located more than 160 km from the originally explored area. They concluded that the materials recovered from the ocean floor were particles that had fallen off other meteorites and mixed with terrestrial pollution.

"Whatever was found on the seabed is completely unrelated to this meteorite, whether it was a natural space rock or a piece of alien spacecraft - although we strongly suspect it was not aliens," Fernando added.

In addition, it was possible to decipher the same signal received by the seismic station in 2014. The sound waves thought to be coming from the meteor ball were almost certainly vibrations from a truck rumbling down a nearby road.

"The signal changed direction over time, exactly matching the road that passes the seismometer. There are many similar signals, they have all the characteristics we expect from a truck, and none of the characteristics we expect from a meteorite."

The research results were presented at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in Houston.

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