The Japanese came up with a unique device to protect the head while sleeping (18 photos + 1 video)

7 March 2024

We would like to introduce you to the latest gadget created by Japanese inventor Kazuya Shibata. Although this device may seem unusual at first glance, for those who spend a lot of time relaxing in bed and scrolling through their phone, it can be a lifesaver.

The habit of lying in bed with your phone is dangerous: when you fall asleep, it can slip out of your hands and fall right on your face. For those who want to avoid such incidents, we are pleased to present the innovative work of Japanese inventor Kazuya Shibata, who strives to improve the lives of others and bring joy to those who discover his creations. According to him, his greatest joy is seeing people surprised or laughing at his inventions.

Some of his amazing inventions include: “A box that makes anything look glamorous,” “A device that accurately presses the X button on those annoying pop-up ads on the Internet,” and “A device that automatically dispenses napkins, one at a time.”

When asked how he came up with the idea to create a face helmet to protect against falling phones, Kazuya responded with the following:

“I myself have experienced the pain of having my smartphone fall on my face while using it in bed or on the sofa. I was convinced that this was a common problem that many people would encounter, so I came to the conclusion that a solution needed to be created.”

That's actually what we're talking about

Kazuya came up with a gadget equipped with a screen that is activated as soon as the phone slips out of a person's hands and falls on his face

The inventor shared the process of creating his gadget on his YouTube channel, discussing every detail of the work on this exciting project

When asked if there were investors willing to back his project, Shibata replied, “This project was developed in collaboration with Japanese home improvement center Cainz.”

Shibata also talked about where his interest in creating innovative devices came from: “I have always liked creating things since I was a child. I majored in electrical engineering in college, but I learned most of my mechanical design, electronics, and programming skills from YouTube.”

Individual parts of the shield were printed on 3D printers

And then combined into a single whole

The next step was to “revive the device” and ensure that the shield would automatically activate when triggered as required.

Kazuya conducted the first test in his workshop

12. Having convinced himself that the shield was working, he successfully tested it on himself

Eager to demonstrate his invention to a wider audience, he tested the device on volunteers who admired his work.

In addition, he had the opportunity to present his invention on a television show

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