Russian air defense missile system Pantsir-S1 was shot down in the Belgorod region of the Russian Federation, two occupiers were wounded, - GUR MO

3 March 2024
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The Pantsir-S1 missile and gun complex was shot down in the Belgorod region of Russia.

This was reported to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Moscow Region, Censor.NET reports.

“On February 29, 2024, as a result of a successful fire attack, the Russian missile and gun complex Pantsir S-1 was damaged. An attack on an enemy air defense system took place near the village of Golovchino, Graivoronsky district, Belgorod region,” the message says.

It is noted that after the hit, the enemy "Pantsir" was disabled, and the crew suffered medical damage. Two Russian occupiers were wounded.

“The specified complex is intended to cover military and military-industrial facilities. The cost of the Russian Pantsir S-1 RPK is about $15 million,” the intelligence service added.
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