The occupiers are storming Khakhla through a minefield without sappers

3 March 2024
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The occupier filmed the destroyed Russian equipment and spoke about the losses of the Russian army in one of the front sectors in the Kharkov direction.

As Censor.NET reports, the recording from the occupier’s phone was published on social networks. In the video, a group of invaders is walking along a forest road, on which there are broken Russian equipment and the bodies of the invaders. At some point, the Russian commander gives the order to flee into the forest due to the threat of shelling. A group of invaders runs there and, stopping, sees a tripwire.

The occupier complains that they have a task in an infantry fighting vehicle to somehow drive along a road clogged with destroyed equipment, and then, having passed minefields without sappers, attack the “khakhla”.

Attention! Profanity!
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