A drug addict occupier slowly walks along a field road under fire, and then shoots himself in the hand with a machine gun.

28 November 2023
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A drug-addicted occupier walks slowly along a field road under fire, and then shoots himself in the hand with a machine gun. VIDEO of the drone
Video Censor.NET War in Ukraine

Ukrainian aerial reconnaissance officers filmed a strange occupier caught in the field of view of a UAV camera.

As Censor.NET reports, in the recording the invader slowly walks along a field road, despite the shelling, and then shoots himself in the hand with his machine gun. When the dropped ammunition fell and exploded next to the occupier, he stopped, and then came closer to the site of the explosion and looked at it for a long time. The authors of the video suggest that the invader is most likely under the influence of drugs.

“Avdiivka direction. Salt troops of the Russian Federation, or another proof that they are zombies, not people. All cut up from the explosion, he shot himself in the arm and does not understand where it is and WHAT it is...”, says the commentary on the video.
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