15 girls who learned what “bad luck” means (16 photos)

Category: Fun, PEGI 0+
25 February 2024

Often men think that for women, “everything is easy.” Although every day the weaker sex is faced with a whole heap of problems that they try to cope with to the best of their ability. True, this does not always work out, and sometimes the results come out very funny or a little tragic. Take a look!

1. Surprise attack

2. I got to a novice master

3. I didn’t notice that the bench was painted.

4. Oh, I accidentally

5. The cookies had to be delicious.

6. Wine making didn't go according to plan.

7. She was not ready for such joy

8. I accidentally stitched my finger

9. We ran into my friend and her eyebrow was imprinted on my sleeve.

10. I left the car in the morning

11. Life is pain

12. When I went too far with foundation

13. They brought me a donut, but the best part was left on the wrapper.

14. My girlfriend dropped her phone in the crocodile enclosure

15. How I take photos and how my boyfriend does it

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