Take a look at how a huge wind turbine blade is being transported through the city (6 photos + 1 video)
14 February 2024
Pictures of a 65-meter wind turbine blade being transported through the town of Hawick in Scotland have appeared online. The giant part was being transported to the Pines Burn wind farm.
The pictures were taken last Saturday. A total of 7 wind generators will be installed in the park. Residents were initially against wind farms, but the Scottish Government decided that the benefits of the project would be greater than the consequences for the landscape.
Local residents complain about traffic jams caused by the transportation of the giant blades.
In November, near Hawick, unknown assailants slashed the tires of a truck transporting another turbine.

Last month, a wind turbine on a quiet farm in Wales broke down, showering the ground with debris. The frightening sight was captured by witnesses enjoying a quiet walk in the countryside.

Nick Blaisdale, 61, and his wife Alison, 59, captured the burning parts of the turbine falling to the ground. Firefighters soon arrived, but all they could do was observe what was happening and make sure that passers-by did not get too close.

"We saw the top burst into flames and then explode as it hit the ground," Alison said.