A selection of unusual and strange superhero films (13 photos)

Category: Movie, PEGI 16
26 January 2024

Nowadays, no one can be surprised by superheroes from Marvel and DC. Every year there are always a couple of new superhero blockbusters released, which, judging by the numbers, have already lost the interest of viewers. New Batman again? Okay, okay... However, if you like superheroics, but are tired of the modern assembly line of Spider-Men and other miracle insects, then we have something to surprise you. We offer a list of cool, strange and unusual science fiction films about people with superpowers, which are significantly different from modern projects.

Mystery Men (1999)

A parody black comedy about superheroes with mediocre powers, where the following characters appear: Mr. Furious, Digger and Bowler (the latter is pictured on the right, in her hands is a levitating ball containing her father's skull).

Opposing the team of “superheroes” is a criminal named Casanova Frankenstein (Geoffrey Rush, by the way), who has captured the only normal hero, Captain Amazing.

Swamp Thing (1981)

The title of the film is given in honor of the main character, and not the main villain, as one might think. In the story, a noble scientist turns into a monster due to an accident in the laboratory and is now forced to fight another, evil scientist who, although he looks human, is actually a scoundrel.

This is already a project of the DC studio, which in the 1980s, like Marvel, trashed as much as it could. By the way, the film was directed by Wes Craven, who gave us Scream and A Nightmare on Elm Street. And “Swamp Thing” itself even has a sequel under the solemn title “Return of the Swamp Thing.”

Darkman (1990)

Before making Spider-Man with Tobey Maguire, director Sam Raimi was making superhero movies like this. Again a noble scientist, again an incident in the laboratory, only this time perpetrated by bandits. And now, before us is Darkman! After the incident, he does not feel pain like Deadpool, only he is played by Liam Neeson. In any case, the bandits are definitely in trouble!

By the way, the film has two sequels. In general, several films from this collection managed to inspire people to create sequels, although it would seem!

Blankman (1994)

Another parody superhero movie from the 1990s. After their grandmother is murdered, two brothers decide to start fighting crime like their idol Batman, using the ingenious invention of one of them - a bulletproof cape.

The Toxic Avenger (1984)

An unlucky cleaner at a fitness club is thrown into a bucket of toxic waste and mutates and becomes a “hero monster.”

It’s unlikely that a film that has become a cult could have such a description, right? No! “The Toxic Avenger” really gained cult status, despite its cruelty and explicit scenes (or perhaps because of them), and received as many as three sequels.

Cougar Man (1980)

An Italian attempt to capitalize on the success of Superman, Close Encounters of the Third Kind and Star Wars. The saddest thing is that the main character never turns into a puma!

Guyver (1991)

A karate student becomes the owner of alien technology that turns him into a "Guyver" - a super soldier who uses new powers to save the Earth from these same aliens. The presence of Mark Hamill in the film tells us that the aliens came from a galaxy far, far away.

Super (2010)

Before Guardians of the Galaxy, director James Gunn made this superhero movie starring The Office star Rainn Wilson (his heroic pseudonym is Crimson Bolt). The film became famous for almost nothing other than comparison with another superhero film, Kick-Ass, released a year earlier.

Meteor Man (1993)

Robert Townsend wrote, directed and starred in the comedya great science-fiction parody of “Superman”. I would like to believe that the hero is endowed with superpowers not because a meteorite hits his chest, right?

But that's exactly what happens.

Faust: Love of the Damned (2001)

If you haven't watched superhero horror films in a while, then you're welcome! But be careful, this Spanish film is a splatter - a subgenre of horror, where scenes of violence and cruelty are shown with special gusto.

Shadow (1994)

New York in the 1930s was not for the faint of heart: here a former drug lord, who has taken the side of good and hides his face with a mask (even though we know it's Alec Baldwin), confronts not only the city's underworld, but also Shivan Khan, the last descendant of Genghis Khan .

The Extraordinary Ones (2000)

The film is about a group of B-movie superheroes whose main enemies are not supervillains at all, but rather minor internal contradictions that prevent them from living as a team. There is virtually no demonstration of superpowers in the film, since in order to fight someone you need a superhero budget. And where can I get it if even a meeting with representatives of a company that wants to make figurines of guys ends in failure?

Return of the Indomitable Captain (1983)

The plot of this superhero musical (!) with Alan Arkin and Christopher Lee is similar to Pixar's The Incredibles: the main character Captain Invincible is forced to retire because the US government accuses him of being a communist, constantly violating the country's airspace and generally walks around in public in underwear. The hero drinks himself to death, but then the supervillain Mister Midnight appears, and the government is already asking Invincible to quickly undergo a rehabilitation course and save the world.

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