One of the rarest monkeys in the world was born in London (6 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
24 January 2024

London Zoo brought good news to the world. A baby of an endangered western lowland gorilla was born there - and this is already hope for saving the species.

A new resident of a critically endangered species has arrived at London Zoo. This is a baby western lowland gorilla. The female, Mjukuu, gave birth to her baby yesterday and the birth was surprisingly quite quick - taking just 17 minutes. The baby has not yet been given a name, but his birth gives hope that the endangered species can be saved.

"We are very happy about the arrival of this baby: everyone is walking and smiling. We will give mom and baby the time and space they need to get to know each other, and the rest of the gorillas to get used to the new member of the family. They are as excited as we are, and constantly are studying it," says Catherine Sanders, head of the primate section at London Zoo.

The last time a baby gorilla appeared at the zoo was in November 2015, which is why the birth of a new baby caused such joy. In addition, due to poaching and disease, the gorilla population has decreased by more than 60% over the past 20-25 years. Even if all threats are eliminated, scientists estimate that it will take about 75 years for the population to recover.

Zookeepers are staying aloof for now and therefore do not know the sex of the newborn. But they are closely monitoring him with the help of surveillance cameras.

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