Destruction of the enemy Osa air defense system and the liquidation of the commander of the second anti-aircraft missile regiment of the VAT of the Russian Army, Lieutenant Colonel Atanov in the Kherson region

20 January 2024
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Ukrainian soldiers from the American HIMARS MLRS hit the enemy Osa air defense system at a time when the commander of the second anti-aircraft missile regiment of the VAT of the Russian Army, Lieutenant Colonel Ruslan Atanov, was there.

The moment of the liquidation of a high-ranking Russian officer and an enemy anti-aircraft missile system near the Cossack Camps in the occupied part of the Kherson region was recorded by a Ukrainian drone.

“The commander of the 2nd anti-aircraft missile regiment of the VAT of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant Colonel Atanov, did not draw the right conclusions after the death of Colonel Ospanov, remained in the Cossack Camps of the Kherson region and continued to go to the Osa, as if they were anointed with honey there. Judging by the video, the demilitarization of Ruslan Sergeevich through the efforts of HIMARS took place quickly and practically painlessly,” says the commentary on the video.
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