They were able to survive the attack of famous serial killers (5 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 16
16 January 2024

The names of many serial criminals, thanks to publicity, become known throughout the country, and even the whole world.

Almost no one managed to escape from them. The maniacs had some kind of bestial instinct for their victims, and if the unfortunate woman ended up in their hands, it was almost impossible to escape. But there are several stories where the victim of an attack was able to save his life, which often helped the police.

Maria Viricheva and Alexander Pichushkin

The Bitsevsky maniac hunted people in the park for several years, and in terms of the number of victims he overtook even the world-famous Andrei Chikatilo. 49 murders and 3 attempts. Pichushkin himself assured that he had the blood of 61 people on his hands, but evidence was found only for 49.

The first to survive was Maria Viricheva - Pichushkin’s 25th victim. They met near the Kakhovskaya metro station and the maniac offered her some kind of work. Having brought the girl to the place, he struck her several times on the head, after which he pushed her from a height of eight meters into the well shaft. For a whole hour, Maria swam in the January icy water, but then she was able to grab onto some kind of bracket, with the last of her strength, move the heavy well hatch and get out. The girl lay in the snow all night wearing only tights, but she simply did not have the strength to go anywhere. And only in the morning, Viricheva was discovered by women who decided to walk through the forest.

Maria Viricheva has become a real example of will and thirst for life. The doctors were shocked that she was not only able to survive, but also... not lose the child, because at the time of the attack she was pregnant. The baby was born on time and healthy.

Kate Moir and two serial killers

David and Catherine Birney kidnapped 17-year-old Kate in 1986. They brought her to their house, where they handcuffed her and tortured and raped the girl for long hours.

The next day, David and Catherine left the house. Kate was able to climb out of the window and run away. She went to the police, where at first they didn’t even believe her, saying how is it possible, a married couple stole her and raped her, this can’t happen. But Kate gave very detailed testimony, which convinced the police that she was most likely not lying and an investigation began.

David Birney confessed when he was detained that he and his wife killed four victims. They were both sentenced to life.

Carol DaRonch and Ted Bundy

In 1974, the girl Carol managed to escape from one of the most famous and, perhaps, charming serial killers. Ted Bundy was very inventive in his ways of luring his victims, and this time he, dressed as a police officer, approached DaRonch in the shopping center parking lot and said that they wanted to steal her car and she needed to go with him to the station to draw up a report.

Discouraged, Carol obediently got into the car, but realized something was wrong when the “policeman” turned onto a forest road. She was able to jump out of the car, but Bundy caught up with her and tried to smash her skull with a crowbar. Carol not only dodged, she was able to hit Bundy in the groin, broke free and rushed to the road where someone’s car was passing.

It was Carol DaRonch who gave the police a lot of important information about Ted Bundy, but, unfortunately, he continued to kill his victims for a very long time.

When he was finally caught in 1978, Bundy was convicted of murdering 28 women and sentenced to death.

Corazon Amurao and Richard Speck

Amurao lived with her roommates in a townhouse near their medical school in Chicago. It was 1966 when Richard Speck knocked on the door of the house where nine college students lived. Threatening the girls with a weapon, he immobilized each one in turn and began to brutally rape them one by one. For six hours, Speck abused the girls and then killed them. Corazon managed to hide under one of the beds and tired Richard simply forgot about her. When he left the house, the girl opened the window and began screaming for help. When the police arrived at the scene, Amurao, barely alive from shock, was able to describe Speck’s appearance and especially his tattoo. Speck was quickly found and Corazon testified against him in court.

Richard Speck was sentenced to death, but it was later commuted to life. In 1991, he died behind bars from a heart attack.

After the verdict, Corazon Amurao went back home to the Philippines. There she is got married and became a nurse.

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