20 Amusing Cases When the Universe Glitched (21 Photos)

Category: Fun, PEGI 0+
24 December 2023

Our world is made up of patterns, and we more or less know what to expect. However, everyday life can sometimes break down, and then failure occurs. In this post, you will see unexpected errors that can happen anywhere, anytime. Take a look!

1. Glitch in the Matrix this afternoon

2. Honor guard of seagulls

3. My friend was wearing the same shirt as the woman at the bar. Later we found a man wearing the same shirt.

4. Clouds did not load

5. Clocks stopped in different rooms at the same time

6. It looks like the buildings here are just background textures

7. She escaped from the Matrix

8. The orange has a seam

9. The carrots in my garden grew upside down.

10. Texture glitch



13. The Matrix is real

14. My dog and his shadow decided to spend some time apart.

15. Huge butterfly or clear glass?

16. Our dog is fine

17. It's a crab, not a cookie.

18. A floating ball out of nowhere

19. I really want to turn

20. If you peer into the abyss, it will begin to peer into you

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