Forcibly invading another's country is a crime

13 December 2023
In Volgograd, in honor of the 30th anniversary of the Constitution, three brave women went on a picket demanding that the authorities respect the Constitution and stop the war against Ukraine

On Constitution Day, Volgograd pensioners Galina Tikhenko, Galina Zabolotnova and Natalya Dorozhnova went to the city center demanding that the authorities respect the Constitution and stop the war in Ukraine, SOTAvision reports. Tikhenko was holding a poster in her hands: “People of the world, be three times more vigilant. Take care, take care, take care of the world." The women did not hide their names and told what they think about the attitude of the authorities towards the main law of the country.

“Today is the day of the Russian Constitution. All citizens must strictly observe it, including those in power, including the president. It is necessary for people to live in a peaceful state, so that there is no grief on earth. I appeal to the people of the world. Fight for world peace,” Galina Tikhenko told our correspondent.

The picketer was supported by other Volgograd activists.

“If we are building a democratic society, the Constitution of the country must be respected. But we don’t have it,” said Galina Zabolotnova. “The invasion of Ukraine is illegal and unconstitutional. This is an occupation,” said Natalya Dorozhnova.

The picket lasted about an hour. There were no arrests.
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