In the Russian region, a father beat up a boy who was molesting his daughter

11 December 2023
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In the village of Sosnovo, Leningrad Region, on December 7, at approximately 3 p.m., CCTV cameras captured the beating of a teenager by an adult man. The adult’s rage was sparked by a message from his 12-year-old daughter, who called him and told him that one of her peers was “getting into her panties.”

The one she complained about allegedly stood nearby and shouted into the phone, addressing the man: “Come, we’ll crowd you in!” Dad accepted the challenge.

An attempt to resolve the issue with the mother of the girl’s offender did not yield anything:

The mother said that she couldn’t do anything with her son, but this schoolboy was getting into the girls’ panties. When the daughter called her father on speakerphone, this snot told her father, “Come over, we’ll crowd you in.”
When the man arrived at the meeting place, in addition to his daughter’s alleged abuser, there were indeed several of his friends there, but they chose not to interfere in the conflict and simply watched. During the meeting, the victim received more than a dozen blows, but remained standing. This suggests that the attacker did not hit with full force and rather punched the teenager than seriously beat him.

Local residents write that there really are problems with the boy who was beaten by the man. However, the girl’s father’s actions are not justified:

Issues need to be resolved with parents, and not give up. Or there are competent authorities. Nobody gave him the right to let go! No matter what situation happens.

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