Mother tarot reader attacked teacher for getting a C in her daughter’s certificate

23 November 2023
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The attack on a 66-year-old teacher took place near Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 40 in the Primorsky district.

It's all because of the only C in the certificate of the daughter of an aggressive mother, who decided to attack the pensioner, armed with a pack of salt and water.

The attacker herself later stated to the police that it turned out that the teacher attacked her first.

By the way, the girl’s mother on social networks positions herself as a practicing tarot reader and removes “negative programs” that, apparently, she can no longer remove from herself.

Teacher Irina Viktorovna later said that she gave the girl a chance to correct her grade, but the schoolgirl again retook the work with a C. The woman has more than 40 years of work experience behind her.

A criminal case was never opened, since both women removed the beatings after the conflict, and the injuries received did not cause harm to health. That's why there was no business.

In addition, the mother of the ninth-grader could not even be brought to administrative responsibility. The police quickly reported that the case was never opened, since no one opened the apartment, no one answered the phone calls, and no one showed up to answer the summonses left at the specified time.

So what, that is, it was possible?

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