In a Tuvan school, a teacher properly "taught" two hooligans

12 April 2023
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Even their parents admitted that she was not to blame for anything - they brought her.

In one of the schools in Tuva, a 65-year-old teacher attacked two students and “patted” them a little:

Here it turns out “again 25” - there is no beginning of the conflict, no one can confirm what exactly these guys did or said. There is only a recording in which she distributes bream to schoolchildren, and the whole class giggles happily. If we consider it out of the general context, then it turns out that the teacher broke loose and loosened his hands. But the “salt” is that even their parents admitted the guilt of the guys.

According to the school principal:

She is already retired, there are no teachers at school, she goes to work. 65 years old, you understand? Look at Biden. And this is a teacher of the native language, there are no native historians at all. High performance, a teacher who has awards, worked all her life, Soviet hardening.

I'm worried about her state of mind. I called an ambulance to her, the pressure was 200, they gave injections.

Children laugh. She just patted them. The children provoked, they did it on purpose. The parents came, the situation was sorted out, the parents have no complaints.

There was a reconciliation service. Parents only asked the teacher to be removed, because if the children were bullying, now they don’t want the teacher to suffer more. The teacher wrote the application of her own free will, but she still has two weeks, she can withdraw it. The children apologized for provoking the teacher.

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