In Russia, a girl attacked a mother and child

3 December 2023
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The girl entered the elevator and for no reason began hitting the woman in the face and grabbing the woman by the hair.

Comment from the victim: “After the incident, I called the police. They said on the phone that the attacker could get 15 days or a fine of 5,000 rubles. The police called me back 3 hours later and offered to go to them.

Before leaving, a woman knocks on my door. She turned out to be the mother of the attacker. We went to the police together with her. The mother admitted that her daughter, about 3 years old, was inappropriate at times, left home, behaved very strangely, took out loans, and had uncontrollable aggression. Now she doesn’t work, her parents moved her into this apartment and support her. The attacker was 38 years old, a lawyer by training, not married, no children.

At the police department itself, no one talked to us, they just took statements from me and her mother and that’s it.

Later, the attacker's father arrived. He said that he was aware of his daughter’s oddities, but he couldn’t force her into treatment.”

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