Japanese pay a dollar to get punched in the face (5 photos + 1 video)

7 December 2023

A bar has opened in Japan where you can legally get punched in the face for money. And it's pretty cheap, 100 yen (less than $1) for a slap from an employee.

The bar is called Sachihoko-ya izakaya. An izakaya is a type of evening establishment, sort of like a pub, where Japanese people go for a drink after work. They are often decorated in a very traditional style, with paper lanterns hanging outside and stylized signs.

I've seen one bar like this, I've seen almost everything

But at Sachihoko-ya Izakaya you can spend money on more than just drinks and snacks. For one coin, when placing an order, a female employee will slap you in the face. Japanese women are small and fragile, so it won’t hurt too much.

But soon so many men began to crowd into the bar that the owner had to hire several more waitresses with a well-placed blow.

The waitress beats the Japanese visitor with gusto, the second one looks and is jealous

But you can’t ask a specific girl to hit you. You pay 100 yen to the cashier and they hit you on a first-come, first-served basis. Which one will come out?

For the right to choose which girl will give you bream, you need to pay five times more - 500 yen.

Well, a very strange fight club

The service really excited the area, and queues even began to appear at the bar. Why would the Japanese do this?

Do you want a certain cutie to fuck you? 3 dollars per person!

The first thought is fetishists. After all, Japan is a country where high school girls sell their used panties, and smartphones are released with a shutter click, so that no one takes pictures of other people’s panties on the escalator.

This means that such a simple male fetish will be in demand.

But then it turned out that women also go to Sachihoko-ya izakaya! Why a woman would get a slap in the face from a woman (male brawlers don’t work in a bar) is a complete mystery to me, like from the Egyptian Sphinx.

Hit a tourist. On the one hand it’s humiliating, on the other hand it’s so cheap, less than a dollar. Should I buy two?

- Nobody was angry. On the contrary, such a slap in the face only relaxed the visitors even more. They even thanked the employee who hit them, the media write about this bar.

Maybe this is a way for the Japanese to feel alive, like in Chuck Palahniuk's Fight Club?

They beat from the heart

The girls are fragile, but they don’t hold back the blow, they hit backhand, as shown in some videos.

But the scandal around the bar was such that it was necessary to reduce the excitement until problems with the authorities began. Sachihoko-ya izakaya even temporarily closed the shop so that people would come to them for drinks, and not for BDSM services.

1 comment
10 December 2023
531 comment
Нихххх не понял! Но очень интересно!
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