A Disneyland visitor stripped naked and went swimming (7 photos + 2 videos)

29 November 2023
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Thanksgiving Day was remembered by vacationers at Disneyland for a truly unexpected sight. One of the guests of the Californian park threw off his clothes, jumped out of the boat and plopped into the pool. Shocked eyewitnesses recorded the incident.

The 26-year-old man began stripping during the It's a Small World attraction, which takes visitors on boats through the fictional worlds of famous cartoons.

Leaving his clothes on the floor, the unknown man climbed out of the boat and plunged into the pool of the Taj Mahal, over which Aladdin's carpets circled.

"Stop, stop!" - one of the park employees pleaded, tripping over the equipment.

“God, he’s going to break everything,” said one witness.

“We should turn off the music,” suggested the second, watching as the cheerful melody of “Jingle Bells” continued to accompany the grotesque performance.

After swimming, the nudist was about to take a walk, but was detained by members of the Anaheim Police Department on suspicion of indecent behavior and being under the influence of prohibited substances.

Disney fans rushed to express their views on the new “character” and share their impressions on social networks.

"I was on the It's a Small World ride at Disneyland and I saw a half naked guy walking around the animatronics. Then I saw a video of him running out naked and jumping into the water. What a day! I literally waited an hour to get out of that attraction," said @alittlemid.

“I hope the arrest and lifetime ban from Disneyland was worth it,” wrote @Nikitawashere.

A spokesman for the amusement resort said the attraction was stopped for an hour after park operators were notified of the situation. None of the visitors were physically harmed.

Sergeant John McClintock of the Anaheim Police Department said the man who was arrested was taken to the hospital as a precaution.

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