35 cases when nature showed terrifying power (36 photos)

Category: Nature, PEGI 0+
22 November 2023

They say nature has no bad weather. Obviously, this phrase was coined by someone who has never lived in extreme weather conditions. Hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, landslides and other terrible phenomena are quite natural. Another thing is that people themselves are often the cause of natural disasters.

“It was hailing today in Johannesburg, South Africa. First it started raining golf balls, and then it was frozen covid.”

2. Tornado Power

3. The tree burned out from the inside due to a lightning strike

4. Go to Spain, they said. Get some sun in the winter, they said!

5. The aftermath of a severe storm

6. Hail the size of golf balls

7. “Yesterday a snowstorm blew my garage door off.”

8. Tractor after a tornado in Kentucky

9. Giant hail

10. This is not how you imagine the view from a window in Florida.

11. When the polar vortex hit the city

12. A tornado in Thomaston, Georgia, tore a house off its foundation and threw it onto the road.

13. Sandstorm in Mongolia

14. A little snow fell...

15. Crazy snowfall in Northern Norway

16. Before and after Hurricane Ian

17. In the UK, cans in vending machines exploded due to extreme heat

18. A quad bike hangs on power lines after record floods in Eastern Australia

19. Hurricane uprooted a tree

20. Sandstorm in Egypt

21. Heavy rainfall in Germany

22. The hurricane left me homeless

23. “I just finished repairing another tree that fell.”

24. Police cars and flooding in Cesena, Italy

25. Boat after the flood

26. Ice storm in Montreal, Canada, 2023

27. The roof flew off

28. It's windy in Los Angeles today.

29. Aftermath of Hurricane Ian

30. "Ian" in Miami

31. April in Finland

32. “Our big tree snapped in half in a 15-minute storm.”

33. Dust storm

34. Catastrophic floods in Brisbane, Australia

35. Flood in Pakistan, 2022

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