A man's reaction to the news that his wife is pregnant after 15 years of unsuccessful attempts (9 photos + 1 video)

17 November 2023

Bree Owens, 37, a mother of four adopted children, told her husband the good news and filmed his reaction. An Atlanta couple has been trying to have a biological child since 2008.

The video opens with the happy couple discussing plans to remodel their home before Brie suddenly asks, "What if I get pregnant?"

Steven, a data analyst, was confused. He went to see the children for a short time, and when he returned, he replied: “That would be madness.”

“God is good,” he continued. “And He will not abandon us. Can you imagine being pregnant?”

Then Bree blurted out: "I took the test."

Stephen was even more puzzled. Before he could come to his senses, his wife added: “He’s positive.”

The man rushed to his pregnant wife, he was overwhelmed with emotions and tears of joy.

"What is this, a joke?" - he asked through tears.

Then they hugged each other and burst into deep sobs.

Bree could not hide the news from her beloved for long, telling him that she had known about it for only five minutes.

In August, Brie was surprised that her period was late, but chalked it up to stress.

“We had a very busy month. We started remodeling. My mother is in the hospital, and I thought that was the problem,” explained the mother of many children.

"I took the test and I was just shocked. Steven had no idea because I wanted to surprise him."

The couple had been trying to have a biological child since 2008, but when they realized that this was not happening, they left everything to fate.

Brie says: "We tried for a year and a half at first, but it started to feel tedious and stupid. There's a time for everything, but we never stopped trying."

They were never told that they were infertile, but they firmly decided that they would not do IVF. The couple desperately wanted to have children and decided adoption was the best option for them.

In 2013, they began the process of adopting Joseph, their first child, and received approval in 2015.

The couple now has four adopted children, the youngest of whom is nine-month-old William.

The Owenses didn't plan to have many children, but they couldn't come to terms with the idea of not being able to help as many children as possible.

Brie added: "After all these years, you don't even think about being pregnant. It's hard to explain. You can hope for it, but you don't expect it. It hasn't sunk in yet, but I'm so glad we can finally tell our parents, friends and kids." about what we did. Our children are also very happy to become big brothers and sisters again."

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