Pie for an ex and problems for everyone (7 photos)

15 November 2023

People meet, people separate. There is nothing special about divorce, it’s just the ordinary prose of life. But some individuals, in an effort to take revenge on their exes, go to extreme measures.

Which lead to terrible consequences.

Erin Patterson

On July 29, 2023, Australian resident Erin Patterson baked a mushroom pie and invited her entire large and friendly family to enjoy the masterpiece and drink tea.

Sister and husband - Heather and Ian Wilkinson

The woman is almost 50 years old. Compared to her neighbors inhabiting the small town of Leongatha, she did not stand out in any way - an ordinary modest housewife. The locals could not even imagine that their sweet neighbor would decide to try herself in the role of Catherine de Medici and prepare a pie with a secret: the meat filling was generously flavored with poisonous mushrooms.

The traditional beef Wellington pie, filled with a mixture of chopped ham and mushrooms, was enjoyed by her ex-husband's parents Gail and Dawn, Erin's sister Heather and her husband Ian Wilkinson. And the main character, for whose sake the woman started the feast, her ex-husband did not come to the tea party. Either things got distracted, or he didn’t want to see his ex-wife, or he suspected something.

Gail and Don Patterson

After all, the luxurious filling for no less luxurious pastries was generously flavored with... pale toadstools. After being poisoned, the unfortunate people were taken to the hospital. None of the women survived... Don Patterson also died. Only the sister’s husband, a local pastor, was lucky; doctors managed to perform a liver transplant in a timely manner. While doctors fought for the lives of the victims, the poisoner wrung her hands and, in the best traditions of dramatic actresses, sobbed on camera: “Oh, what grief! How could this happen?"

Love and Hate in Australia with a hint of mushroom revenge

Erin even sketched out a plan on the wall of the house

True, the police were not impressed by the tragedy of the Australian Medici. During interrogation, Erin admitted that she was planning to deal with her ex-husband Simon, who at the last moment refused the invitation. And this saved his life.

The insidious poisoner mixed ordinary mushrooms and toadstools, which grow in abundance in the vicinity of the city. When asked why she didn’t poison herself, the enterprising lady stated that she had previously taken a special drug for the liver.

Ex-husband Simon is lucky

What is noteworthy is that Erin has already made an attempt to speed up the departure of her ex-husband to the next world. Less than a year ago, he strangely fell ill after visiting his ex-wife’s house. So much so that he not only ended up in the hospital, but also fell into a coma for two weeks.

At the time, the incident apparently wasn't connected to Erin's thoughts. Unfortunately. The poisoner now says she is “devastated by the thought that these mushrooms may have contributed to the illness that afflicted my loved ones” and is awaiting trial.

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