“Ghost”: how the most romantic film of the 90s with Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore was created (7 photos)

Category: Movie, Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
6 November 2023

The film became a real hit in its time. Won two Oscars, earned a ton of money at the worldwide box office. And it still looks great today. And the final scene brings tears to the eyes of even inveterate cynics.

But initially few people believed in the success of this film.

The idea behind this story is based on a real life incident. Screenwriter Bruce Joel Rubin once dabbled in illegal substances. And one day he flew into nirvana so that he almost died. At that moment it seemed to him that his soul had flown out of his body, and he watched himself as if from the outside. And at the same time - for his beloved wife, who was waiting for him to wake up. When Rubin came to his senses, he wanted to share this story with people.

But years passed from the moment the script was written until the project was brought to life. The producers considered this story a children's fairy tale, not worthy of attention. The screenwriter received refusals everywhere. And when I finally found a film studio ready to implement the project, a new difficulty arose. The film was entrusted to director Jerry Zucker, who had previously made only cheap comedies and did not shine with success. The screenwriter was afraid that he would vulgarize his idea, turning it into a farce.

Zucker himself didn’t really believe in the success of the project. The film was to be a melodrama with elements of science fiction, thriller and serious special effects. He really had no experience in this matter. The director doubted until the last minute whether he would cope with the task. But when Zucker and Rubin met and discussed the details of the upcoming filming, everything fell into place. They found a common language and even became friends.

The search for actors has begun. Nicole Kidman, Michelle Pfeiffer, Kim Basinger and even Madonna were considered for the role of Moly. But none of them made it into the image. The main male role was offered to Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise, Nicolas Cage and Mickey Rourke, Alec Baldwin and Johnny Depp. But they all refused under various pretexts.

Then the married couple Bruce Willis and Demi Moore were offered to play the main roles. Die Hard rejected the offer outright. The romantic ghost story seemed complete nonsense to him. But Demi Moore reacted to the idea with great enthusiasm. She didn't really believe in the success of the project. But I saw a chance for myself. “If the movie takes off, then I will become a star,” the actress, aspiring at that time, reasoned reasonably. And she turned out to be right.

It’s interesting that she auditioned with long hair. And then suddenly I decided to get a short haircut. And in this form she showed up for filming. The director was furious. But then I decided that this particular image suited Molly very well.

Patrick Swayze was not initially considered for the lead role at all. And he himself expressed a desire to star in the film. As the actor later recalled, his wife Lisa Niemi showed him the script. “I couldn’t put it down until I read the last page. When I put the text down, I had tears in my eyes. I have to act in this film. The role of Sam Witt was created for me,” Patrick recalled in his autobiography, “The Time of My Life.”

The screenwriter also saw Patrick Swayze in this role. When he watched the interview with him, he realized: here he is, the real Sam Witt. But the director spoke out against Swayze. Zucker saw him only as a Roadhouse bouncer and didn't believe in his dramatic talent.

But here Swayze himself already showed persistence. He showed up for the audition in an expensive suit - Sam Witt, after all, was a bank employee. He pulled his long hair into a ponytail. And he told the director that he could demand anything. He is ready to play any scene. In the end, we tried six scenes, during which Patrick gave his best. At the casting, the crew burst into tears - Swayze was great.

Zucker initially wanted to invite TV presenter Oprah Winfrey to play the role of a medium. But Patrick convinced stand-up star Whoopi Goldberg, who shone in the comedy role, to try it. And I was not mistaken. The hit was 100%. It’s interesting that Patrick didn’t even know her before filming the film. I just thought she was better suited for the role. As a result, Whoopi brought the film one of two Oscars - as best supporting actress. The movie received another statuette for best screenplay. Whoopi Goldberg is still grateful to Patrick and always speaks very warmly of the actor.

Suyezi himself has said more than once that the role of Sam has become one of the most difficults in his career. After all, he was not an active participant in the action, but just an observer. Although he did participate in several action scenes. Remember the chase scene through New York at night? It was cold outside then. And to prevent steam from coming out of the “ghost’s” mouth, the actor had to chew ice. At the same time, he was dressed, as we remember, in a light shirt and thin trousers.

Love scenes were not easy for him either. As a married couple, Patrick and Demi were initially unconvincing. But in the most romantic moments, the actor portrayed his real wife as Molly. As a result, the love chemistry in the frame was quite natural. And in the final scene, Patrick thought about his father, whose early departure he could not come to terms with. He wasn’t acting on camera then, but he was crying for real.

Swayze considered the scene with the potter's wheel to be the most sensual in the film. He said that this episode was one of the most exciting in his acting career. Do you remember the phrase that the main character uttered in response to Molly’s love confessions? Mutually! After the film was released, it became a cult favorite. Many girls then approached Patrick on the street and asked him to pronounce it for them.

The film, shot for pennies by Hollywood standards, grossed more than $500 million at the worldwide box office. A fantastic amount for those times. And for Patrick Swayze, “Ghost” became one of the three most successful projects in his career. Immediately after it, the actor hit another jackpot - the shooting of “On the Crest of a Wave” began. But that was a completely different story.

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