In Kazan, a dominatrix prostitute “loves” her clients to death

Category: Sex, PEGI 18
4 November 2023
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As the residents of the house said, bloodied men periodically come out of the priestess of love’s apartment, and one of the clients even needed urgent medical attention.

“It took a couple of months for the body to be taken out of her apartment. The owner herself is only aggressive and threatens us. Constant night guests are at least immoral. Let them do what they want and where they want. We respect the right to privacy, but outside of our yard,” says a local resident.

What is happening behind the door of this apartment can be guessed from the photographs on social networks that the owner posts. In her messages, she writes that she will turn any man into her slave. The police said that they are aware of what is happening in this house, but for now they are only conducting preventive conversations.

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