A selection of videos of Russian military equipment in Ukraine. Issue 93

21 October 2022
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A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions bomb the occupiers and are punished every day. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

Hitting the bull's eye

Defeat of a Russian tank using the BGM-71 TOW ATGM. We waited

Checked the bush

Testing the strength of the UAZ Patriot. Kherson region

SPG-9 anti-tank grenade launcher on a pickup truck

Checked the dugout for rats

We probed that bush for the presence of a barbecue

Operation of the mortar battery of the 3rd division, 93rd brigade

Russia is here forever

Or how the negative offensive of the invaders occurs in the Kherson region

Hand-to-hand combat because the bayonets are out

A dubious trophy of the last century

Point Y did not reach

Accurate hit against invaders from a drone

This bush needs to be checked

The penalty area turned out to be quite good

Khimars works along the convoy, adjusting the Magila-3 UAV

Accurate artillery strike at a checkpoint

There are plenty of transport workers in the Kherson region, I think they are preparing for the next offensive

Trophy. Transport-loading machine for BM-27 Hurricane

Ukrainian military demolishes Russian sub-techniques with tanks

Destruction of BM-21 hail

Destruction of Russian military positions from a bird's eye view

Kherson. Night. Destruction of Russian ammunition depots

Kherson region, situation

Kherson direction

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