18 photos that prove that animals remain children forever (21 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
1 November 2023

Many cat experts agree that the intelligence of an adult cat is equivalent to that of a three-year-old child. And dogs aged two to five years are close to a human baby. It is not surprising that they behave like children and demand attention. Our pets remain naive and pure throughout their lives, and we have a lot to learn from them. The images in this post will lift your spirits.

1. Penny shows off her empty yogurt container.

2. We can't stop laughing

3. He oversees the preparation of a big dinner.

4. He thinks it's his remote control.

5. Trying wood for lunch

6. He loves to lick the window

7. Playing hide and seek is great fun



10. Literally sat on my head

11. I tried to take at least one good photo

12. The perfect photo

13. After a nap

14. I'm trying to work, but this guy is really distracting me.

15. What I had to put up with during the game

16. He tried to get into it for a long time

17. He got into the net and couldn’t free himself

18. Why are you laughing?

19. The shots with my yawning cat are masterpieces

20. Our dog imitates a cat

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