A French nun killed an environmental activist who was protesting the construction of a church.

Category: Eyewitness, PEGI 16
21 October 2023

Only a new crusade will save the world from environmental activists, nothing less.

A short video is gaining popularity in Western media in which a nun attacks an environmental activist like a tiger who, together with his associates, came to disrupt the construction of a new church complex, writes the German publication Bild.

The incident occurred in the commune of Saint-Pierre de Colombier, popular among pilgrims. There is a small and dilapidated rural church there, which has long been unable to cope with the flow of believers. Therefore, local authorities decided to build a new church complex with 3,500 seats nearby, as well as the necessary infrastructure - a bridge and parking for buses.

French conservationists took this news with hostility. They believe that the construction of a new complex will have a negative impact on the environment. It is noteworthy that due to their claims, construction has already been suspended for three years - from 2019 to 2022. Environmental activists even managed to seize the construction site several times. And now, the angelic patience of the believers has ended.

It is noted that due to the antics of environmental activists, the authorities surrounded the construction site with a fence. But that didn’t stop them and they broke it. According to media reports, now nuns have to protect construction equipment with a human chain, pray and fight.

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