Digital windows are gaining popularity in the US

21 October 2023

Unfortunately, this view will only be in the window.

The American company Liquid View presented smart windows. In high expansion, windows can show any view that you configure from your smartphone: sea, forest, metropolis and many others. The windows are huge screens that show a realistic picture, creating the illusion of a window.

The authors of the project clarified that “smart windows” are synchronized with the time on the smartphone, so in the evening you will see the stars from the window, and in the morning you will see the dawn. But if you turn off these windows, then there will simply be a white canvas on the wall. The company did not explain anything about how to ventilate the apartment.

Most likely, these windows are suitable for rooms where there are no windows at all. For example, visitors to the basement will see a beautiful view and will not have the feeling that they are not underground.

A set of their three large Liquid View doors costs $100,000. One panel will cost $25,000.

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