russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for October 17-18

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
19 October 2023

In the early morning of February 24, 2022, Russia launched missile attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct, full-scale invasion. The Ukrainian Armed Forces repel the enemy

- Russian public pages publish new photos of supposedly fragments of a rocket that attacked the airfield in Berdyansk at night

The markings MGM-140A Block 1 are visible on the wreckage - this is a modification of the ATACMS missile.

It is known that in September the media reported that the Joe Biden Administration had decided to transfer a small number of ATACMS cassettes to Ukraine, but they would not announce this publicly.

- Serious blow to Russian army aviation

Russian military sources claim that last night the Ukrainians launched a powerful attack on Russian army aviation bases using ATACMS missiles.

“One of the most serious blows of all time in a special military operation. If not the most serious.

Ukraine claims it carried out attacks on helicopters and airfield equipment of Russian occupation forces near temporarily occupied Lugansk and Berdyansk

- On September 29 it was the Berdyansk Army Aviation Base with more than 20 Russian helicopters.

- Operation DRAGONFLY

This is the name of the Ukrainian operation directed against Russian airfields in Berdyansk and Lugansk.

It is reported that the following were destroyed:

- nine helicopters of various modifications

- special equipment that was located at airfields

- anti-aircraft missile launcher

- ammunition warehouse

- airfield runways

An ammunition depot in Berdyansk exploded at about 4 am. The explosion in Lugansk continued until 11 am.

The losses of Russian manpower amount to dozens of killed and wounded. The bodies of the victims are still being recovered from the rubble.

- Brazier against drones: now in India.

T-90S tanks of the Western Command of the Indian Army, which is responsible for the border with Pakistan, show off their new clips.

- Photos purporting to show an M74 submunition from a Ukrainian MGM-140 ATACMS Block 1A missile fired at Russian airfields in Berdyansk and Lugansk.

WSJ confirms:

On Tuesday, Ukraine launched ATACMS missiles at Russian troops for the first time.

- The UN Security Council rejected the draft resolution proposed by Russia on the Gaza Strip.

For: China, Gabon, Mozambique, Russia and the United Arab Emirates.

Against: France, Japan, Great Britain and the USA.

- Russian propagandist and philosopher Alexander Dugin:

It seems that Ukraine was just a preface to something much bigger. New front lines are manifesting themselves on a much larger scale.

- A map of the most prominent targets for ATACMS strikes looks something like this.

The first target was the military airport in occupied Berdyansk. For some purposes, longer range ATACMS will be needed.

- Russians woke up in no mood today

- Zaporozhye! City center! There are dead

- Putin:

The supply of ATACMS will simply prolong the agony of Ukraine, Russia will be able to repel these attacks, this is another mistake of the United States.

If Russia lost the war, why did the US give it ATACMS?

Then let the US President take ATACMS and come to Russia for pancakes.

- From today, all restrictions related to the supply of ballistic missiles will be lifted from Iran, - Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani on his page on the social network X (Twitter).

“As of October 18, 2023, in accordance with UNSCR 2231, all restrictions unfairly imposed on ballistic missile activities and their transfers to/from the Islamic Republic of Iran are lifted; and Iran is no longer subject to any restrictions in the context of the Security Council."

- Satellite images of Berdyansk airport after the attack by the Ukrainian ATACMS system.

- The United States transferred about 20 ATACMS missiles to Ukraine, – NYT.

The delivery was carried out secretly, because Ukraine wanted to take the Russians by surprise and prevent them from moving the equipment.

- There are deaths in the Dnieper due to a missile strike, - the mayor.

UPD: A person was previously killed. Three people were injured.

- North of Avdiivka, the occupiers lost at least 63 units of equipment, - DeepState.

The head of the Avdeevka MVA, Vitaly Barabash, stated that “this is the largest attack that has ever taken place on Avdeevka during all the times of the war, starting in 2014. But this is not the end of the story they started on October 10.”

- 23 Ukrainians died as a result of a Hamas attack, – Israeli Ambassador to Ukraine.

This is the second highest number of foreigners killed during the attack after the United States

- “Such a powerful arrival that it knocked me off my chair.”

Sevastopol is restless. ATACMS, is that you? 👀

-Russians killed young spouses in Zaporozhye.

Daniil was 23, he is a musician. His wife Diana is only 20. They got married just a year ago, and today their bodies were pulled out from under the rubble...

It is now known that 5 people died after the morning strike on Zaporozhye 🤬

- The Ukrainian Armed Forces have crossed the Dnieper and are advancing on the left bank of the Kherson region, - RosSMI

▪️The Russians are hysterical that the Ukrainian Armed Forces marines carried out an amphibious operation and took control of the village of Poima, occupying a perimeter defense there, and approached the northern borders of the village of Peschanovka

- The Moscow Times: Russia has threatened that Armenia could become the next “Ukraine”

The speech of Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan in the European Parliament on October 17 suggests that he is “following the path” of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, a high-ranking source in Moscow told TASS.

He described Pashinyan’s statements as “irresponsible and provocative, especially with regard to Russia and Russian-Armenian relations.” “We see how they are trying to turn Armenia into Ukraine No. 3, if we consider Moldova as Ukraine No. 2,” the agency’s interlocutor noted.

Speaking in the European Parliament, Pashinyan emphasized that more than 100 thousand Armenians left Nagorno-Karabakh “in the conditions of inaction of Russian peacekeepers.” He also accused “security allies” of taking advantage of the moment and “not only not helping,” but also publicly calling for the overthrow of the government in Armenia.

In early October, the Armenian parliament ratified the Rome Statute, the main document on which the International Criminal Court operates in The Hague. Thus, the republic has joined 123 countries of the world that will be obliged to arrest Vladimir Putin under an ICC warrant if he arrives on their territory.

- There are such suitcases...

As if no one knew that he was shitting in suitcases

- They begin to suspect something...

Future titles:

"Russia lost due to constant US mistakes"

- Nebenzya

A good man will not be called Nebenza

- East. How propaganda made it sound like there was a strike on the hospital and either 500 or 800 corpses. It turned out that the explosion was in the parking lot, there was no crater, no serious damage, except for burnt cars. But now the deceived cannot be stopped or convinced.

- The war in Ukraine is aimed at destroying the country and Ukrainians as a nation. If Russia had succeeded, Moldova would probably have ceased to exist as a free state. This opinion was expressed by the President of Moldova, Maia Sandu, at the 27th Forum 2000 conference in the Czech Republic.

- For some of them, the meaning of life is to die

- A Putin fan was fined 20 thousand rubles for an anti-corruption rally

- Note to children: Russia is capturing other nations in order to make their children soldiers and send them again to new wars.

- Thanks to the Russians for the taxes, and now your schools, hospitals and roads in the form of missiles will fly to bomb the schools, hospitals and roads of Ukraine


Help to Ukraine in World of Tanks

- bipolar padded jacket

- Beaver eater in its repertoire

Not an Israeli rocket, but a Hamas rocket, not at the hospital, but at the parking lot next to the hospital.

Although the first one is still under debate, photographs show that it was mostly cars in the parking lot that were affected, rather than the thousands of civilians reported by Hamas.

- Putin is a puppet of the East!

- Russian on-load tap-changer (radar) 9S36M of the Buk-M3 complex destroyed from the HIMARS MLRS in the Kherson region

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